Wednesday | May 1st | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm | Children’s Garden
Nothing gets kids more excited than tasting, smelling, and seeing new things! Come to this workshop ready to try new foods and learn new things, because we will have real examples and tasters of native food sources in the Sonoran Desert. This workshop is suitable for all ages and flexible/welcoming for all different learning styles and neurodivergences.
Loose Workshop Timeframe:
1:15 Open Doors
1:30 Interactive lesson on native food sources
2:00 Kids can choose to do a nature walk with plant/food identification, or stay for native foods songs and join for tasters afterwards
2:05 – 2:30 Pollinators songs
2:05 – 2:30 Nature walk with plant/food identification
2:30 -3:00 Native foods tasters and real examples
Members Free | Cost of Park Admission for the General Public