with Tohono Chul Director of Arts and Engagement, James Schaub.
Join us in the Exhibit House for a discussion about our new exhibition, The Exotic Sublime: Land and Sky.
The Exotic Sublime examines the romantic Sonoran landscape as viewed from near and far – magnified or mourned from arm’s length, from distant vistas, from out of this world. We are witness – in macrocosm or microcosm – to the effects of time in slow dissolution or methodical accretion; cautionary tales to join what this place used to be with what this place will become. The voice in between, the creative and artistic resolve, is a current toward the odd and wondrous grandeur of The Exotic Sublime. Images clockwise from top left (cropped): Tamara Hastie, Daniel Cheek, James Pringle Cook, and William Lesch.
Tuesday, May 23 & Thursday, May 25
10 am in the Main Gallery
Free with Admission