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Tufa is a natural, porous limestone that has been carved into planters, troughs, and garden ornaments for centuries. While tufa is difficult to come by and expensive, hypertufa is a great alternative “rock” that you can make and shape with your hands to create the perfect succulent planter! Lightweight and impervious to even the harshest weather, hypertufa is made by combining cement, water, and porous materials (perlite or vermiculite) and natural fibers (peat moss). Led by Tohono Chul volunteer, Pam Olson, participants will learn how to mix hypertufa, how to select the appropriate mold, and how to form their pots and planters. Each student will make two pots during class and prepare their pieces for the curing process. Be prepared to get dirty and dress accordingly! All materials are provided. If you have a mold you would like to try, bring it along!