Learn to create beautiful garden-inspired pendants in silver metal clay, with the help of Lyle Rayfield and a variety of Sonoran Desert plants. You’ll learn how to make surface impressions of a few native species, including penstemon, triangle-leaf bursage and creosote, along with some non-native desert plants like blue lupine and the Mexican sunflower. Choose an impression for your pendant and showcase it within a cutout or freeform shape. The pendants will be kiln fired in class, but Lyle will show you a simple method to use at home, no kiln required. Microscopic particles of pure silver are combined with an organic binder to produce the clay-like substance known as silver metal clay. When fired at high temperatures, the binder burns off and the metal particles fuse into a solid piece of silver. No experience is necessary, and all skill levels are welcome. Demonstrations and instruction will cover how to properly roll, texture, shape, refine, fire, and finish metal clay creations. All materials are supplied; magnifying lenses (if needed) and an apron are optional.