Where to Buy Pots, Planters & Containers in Tucson
The businesses listed below carry pots, planters, and containers of all kinds in Tucson. Check out the descriptions to see what they have and what it’s like to shop there. If you like what you see, click on the map for directions!
There is a 5% discount for the military (active and retired).
Active/Retired Military: 10% - 15% off retail
Seniors: 10% - 15% off retail
Will work with contractors on discounts
Special are frequently available. Consult website for details.
- Military Discount (with ID): 5%
-Store sales happen usually once or twice a year
- Loyalty Program for dog and cat foods & certain feeds/quantities. Call or visit store for details.
- "Dollar Off Day" on Tues. & Wed. each week on bird food, grain & livestock feed. Must purchase in 40 lb. bags (or higher weight) to receive the discount.
Active Military: 10% discount
"Deal of the Day" (must come to Gersons to see specials, they are not listed on their website)